Friday, May 7, 2010

I bet Mexicans clean their house...

I bet you can tell what I am going to write about just by my title.  Arizona passed this ridiculous immigration law.  The measure requires police to question anyone they have reason to suspect of being in the United States illegally about their immigration status.  To me, this is just STUPID! 

Having family that "may or may not" be here illegally, I think this hits even closer to home. I know that I am supposed to be talking about National government, but I happen to think, as well as many other Americans, that this issue concerns the nation as a whole.

Many people say that the Federal government is not doing enough and so now the states should step in.  Although this is true, I think that there should be less harsh ways to go about it, rather than encouraging racial profiling. Now don't get me wrong, I think yes, there should be strict laws in place for immigration issues because I think that America should try and help the Americans in need rather than just adding to the problem and helping out the many illegal immigrants here in the states that are using federal and state tax money, to which they contribute nothing to. 

In an article I read about this issue, it states that on "page 1 of the bill that no police officer can use race, ethnic origin, color or country of origin as a basis to form reasonable suspicion."  This law being in Arizona, right on top of Mexico, I highly doubt that a police officer will walk up to a black, white, or Asian man or woman and question whether or not they are here legally. Instead, they will question the brown people that are doing construction work or maybe cleaning a legislator's house while getting paid less than what I got paid when I was 6 or 7 years old for doing chores around the house, just so they can support their family who was going hungry while they lived in Mexico or risked being killed because of the drug wars going on down there.

According to the Gallup polls and what I have read, a little more that half of Americans are all for this law, despite the huge uproar and protests that are going on. I am in the middle on where I stand on the immigration issue as a whole.  I have heard many of the pros and cons of illegal immigrants being in America and I can agree with both sides. What I don't agree with is the way Arizona is going about the issue. The law says that officers cannot go after someone because of what they look like or whatever. Well how in the hell else are you going to have enough reasonable suspicion as to whether or not someone is here illegally? I may not be the smartest person and I may not know much on this issue, but I think in some way or another, this has to violate the Fourth Amendment.  Even though a bunch of old bags who know the law pretty well came up with this law, there has to be something wrong with this law. I may not know exactly what it is, but it will come out one way or another.


  1. I agree with you, I think that it’s a ridiculous law and does violate our fourth amendment. To me as well it hits close to home, so of course I’m against it. I have friends and family that are here illegally and that pay cash for everything nor use welfare and what not to survive. They’re denied credit so they don’t have outstanding bills they can only pay cash which most Americans including myself cannot do. They work really hard to do for their families and you sometimes I see other illegal’s driving in brand new cars that Americans can’t even afford. Well they might say it’s because they don’t have to pay taxes and what not, but if the government gave them citizenship then they would have to pay them and maybe spruce up our economy. It’s kind of messed up because the Americans took this land from the Indians or whoever and was illegal to them but now it’s different, it doesn’t make sense. I know that some may think that it’s for our security; well they should put them in our systems, give them our rights, and enforce consequences and laws on them as they do us.
    Some come to America so that they can make money to send back home for their unfortunate family back home. They’re just trying to make a better life for themselves (the land of opportunity) and sacrificed their lives to get here. They didn’t just do it to do it. I know that there are some bad immigrants but as they do now they should just deport them back for acting up in another country which is reasonable. If you come to a country you come to better yourself not to create conflict. To me everyone is an immigrant to this land and they need to accept people for what they’re trying to do.
    This racial profiling should not be happening it is a violation of our rights as U.S. citizens and I would be very offended if I were profiled incorrectly or profiled at all. There needs to be national law to overrule the state law in this case. It’s going to spread and other states are going to follow Arizona and the fight will get bigger. It’s something that doesn’t need to happen and Congress should get to work and find a way to handle this situation differently (constitutionally).
    I can go on forever on this topic and I think I got a little bit off course, sorry.

  2. I agree with you all the way. I applaud Arizona for taking the necessary steps to get immigration under control, they are just going about it all wrong! Im sure some kind of board of educated officials could come up with a better way to handle this situation rather than calling out people that could "look" like they are immigrants. I can only see bad things happening coming from this law. Im not saying all cops are crooked, innocent people could possibly get screwed over this ridiculous law. Hopefully the law is specific enough that problems do not arise from this. As far as immigration goes, I believe that we could be mistreating people who are working towards a better life for thier families, and trying to make a better living. But I also agree that American citizens have spent enough money on illegal immigrants, and something must be done. I am not picking sides, but Arizona should probably jusify the bill to make it a little less harsh.

  3. I definitely agree because this is exactly what I wrote about as a post on my blog. I believe that this is just terrible. its unamericans and unconstitutional. I think that they need to come up with a better idea as to how to go about his certain situation. I do not see any improvements coming due to this new law, only more problems. This creates more problems to the nation as a whole. I understand that immigrants are over populating this country but trying to deport them by a law like this is not right. Despite the bad immigrants, the innocent one s are going to be at risk as well. This is just wrong in my book and there should be a better more ethical way to go about immigration in the U.S.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have to agree that Arizona's new law is completely ridiculous, and it also hits home for me as well. My mother and oldest brother came here 34 years ago and have lived here legally ever since. My mom has a very strong accent and would most have her citizenship taken into question. The law is insulting to all living here legally, and to all vacationing here from foreign countries.
    There is a lot of discussion on the possible economic pitfalls that could come with the spread of this law to more states. It's theorized that should the law spread to other states that many foreign countries will become wary of bringing their business here because of the fear of being unnecessarily questioned or hassled. Many areas that rely on the business of tourists and foreign business could end up feeling the effects of the immigration law financially, and not in a positive way.
    The issue of illegal immigration needs to be dealt with, but not like this. Racial profiling is completely unavoidable through Arizona's law, and they have no right to go against the rights of U.S. citizens to privacy. There are better ways to deal with illegal immigration. Racial discrimination and the violation of the right to privacy are far from a solution.

  6. Politically speaking there is of course a need of getting rid of these illegal immigrants in order to maintain our economy and many other issues. All of these illegal immigrants here in United States do have their jobs and they are paid in cash. People do this in order to feed their families or to survive, and due to this the tax that could have been collected otherwise from the legal ones are hidden. This definitely disturbs the economy somehow. Had I been the President of United States, I would have definitely thought about bringing this hidden money back to the government. And this is what I believe they have done to give it a head start. But, is it the right way to do it? No, I don't think so; there could be several other ways to do it.
    I totally agree with Curious's idea about the law passed in Arizona, "ridiculous immigration law" is what she says. The first page of the bill states that, "no police officer can use race, ethnic origin, color or country of origin as a basis to form reasonable suspicion". But, this violets the Constitution somehow as no officer would go and ID black, white or Asian as Curious mentioned. I strongly agree with her point here. Mexico being close to Arizona, they would only suspect "brown skin" all the time. So isn't that enough to violate the Constitution? Being an immigrant me myself know how it feels to be racially discriminated. However, all of those illegal immigrants living in Arizona right now would move to some other state, I think, due to the fear of getting deported which indeed would still not solve this immigration problem in Arizona. It is not only the issue of discrimination, but also violets the right to privacy. Therefore, in my opinion the lawmakers should come up with better, practical and unbiased ideas that would not violet our liberty and Constitution.
