Friday, May 14, 2010

Arizona is high!

I have to agree with my classmates post about the new Arizona immigration law. I wrote about this last week and it rubbed me the wrong way then, and it still rubs me the wrong way now, which it probably will until they get rid of it.

I agree with her completely when she says that yes, it is necessary to have some sort of law, but they need to find a different way to go about it. I also agree when she says that immigrants take the jobs that most Americans consider crappy jobs. My grandmother became naturalized many moons ago, but since she cannot speak English, it was very hard for her to find a decent paying job so she had to resort to being a maid/nanny like almost ever other immigrant. She basically raised her boss's children, cleaned, did their laundry, and whatever else the "man" wanted her to do for a crappy salary.

All in all, I think Arizona needs to get rid of this law and they need to sit and ponder to come up with a better way to take care of this "problem" with a less humiliating/ridiculous/every other synonyms for these words law.

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