Friday, April 23, 2010

Fatties eatin' cake!

I just read one of my classmates blogs on childhood obesity called A Healthy Choice. I do have to say I agree with her completely. I do think that Congress should pass the Child Nutrition Act because just through my experiences in my K-12 years, me and many others probably lived off of vending machines. Just the smell of the crap coming from the cafeteria was enough to make me want to vomit, and so I went straight to the machines. So if schools were to take out vending machines and offer healthier foods that also tasted decent enough to nourish children's bellies, I really do think that it would cut down on this childhood obesity epidemic. I have a son who loves to eat, so I can just imagine him seeing those yummy potato chips and thinking, "MMMMmmmm!" He's already on the higher side of his percentile in weight and I have done better with offering him healthier options at home. I would most definitely like to see it continue on while he is at school because it would defeat the purpose if they just feed him crap at school. Yes, most schools have replaced vending machines with water and Gatorade or just removed them completely, but I know the elementary school my niece goes to, they have separate stands set up so the kids can buy junk food after they have eaten their lunch. This also defeats the purpose of removing or replacing the vending machines. 

All in all, I agree with my classmate.  I think they should get rid of junk food all together. I don't know what I would eat but at least I'll know my son and everyone's kids would be healthier, which would mean less trips to the doctor. Although healthy foods are more expensive, I think everyone would save in the long run because of medical bills they won't have.

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