Friday, February 12, 2010

Who's to blame for the economy? Bush or Obama?

So who is to blame for the way things are going for the U.S. economy now? I honestly couldn't tell you but according to a few surveys that were in an article on CNN's website, people are leaning towards George W. Bush. Now I am no expert in government and/or politics by any means, but I do believe the economy was crashing while he (Bush) was still in office. I am not a fan of either president, nor do I not, not like them. I am just simply stating what I see from my view and that is that, yea, Bush got us into a bit of a pickle but Obama being the new president, should be there to clean up the mess somewhat and get to that "Change" he was pressing so hard for during his campaign, not run us in the ground by bailing out all these banks and whatnot. That's a story for another day. I just need to get educated on it a bit more before I start rambling. I think this article is worth reading because it kind of gives you an idea of where people kind of stand. The comment section is rather more interesting than the article itself because you can see the difference of opinions from one person to the next. To me, that is interesting and quite funny as well. Enjoy.

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